Monday, March 16, 2009


Just finished processing a feature car I have spent way too long on, if I added up all the hours it would be some ridiculous amount. Windows media player and Sugar Free Redbull got me through it. My new resolution is no more indoor intricate rig shots, no matter how cool they come out it's just not worth the torture of individually painting pixels (yes it came down to that!)

Time to crack a beer and send the CD off to the editor, I'm taking a break from processing for a while!


Van Strapp said...

Wanna see more of this sort of stuff!

Chris Brasher said...

Full post soon Van, I might actually go through the whole process of the hero image if time permits. More layers than a layer cake.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Radial Blur on the cam gear ftw. ;)

Stan said...

My hat goes off to you my friend!

Muchos Grazie~